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Simplified Practical Manual of Biochemistry

by Gogoi Javin Bishnu9789351525653 (1)
It is a highly simplified version of practical manual on Biochemistry for the UG students. The whole book has been divided into five sections (Section A: Introduction, Section B: Qualitative analysis, Section C: Demonstration, Section D: Quantitative analysis, and Section E: Reference Values) to categorize the contents. This book includes a brief description of hazards and precautions related to laboratory, description of basic techniques used in biochemistry laboratory, qualitative and quantitative analysis of some important biochemical parameters with clinical significance and reference values of few bio-metabolites which are a must-know to the UG students. The tests procedures are represented in tabular form wherever possible which has made it unique in itself. The relevant diagrams and graphs are included in the book to make it easier for the reader to understand the text matter. Also, blank pages are left after the chapters so that it can be utilized to do calculations, draw diagrams, and write text matters if required in the practical class room. All the comprehensible measures are taken to make this book a reader-friendly.


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