James S. Lowe This book provides students with a systematic approach to histology which[...]
Geraldine O’Dowd BSc (Hons) MBChB (Hons) FRCPath Now in its seventh edition, Wheater’s Functional Histology[...]
D.J. Lowrie Learn to identify histological structures and their correlated functions! Histology: An Essential Textbook[...]
William K. Ovalle, Patrick C. Nahirney With strong correlations between gross anatomy and the microanatomy[...]
Neelam Vasudeva, Sabita Mishra The eighth edition of Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology has[...]
Leslie P. Gartner Textbook of Histology, 5th Edition, brings you up to date with all[...]
Linda M. Ernst, Eduardo D. Ruchelli, Chrystalle Katte Carreon, Dale S. Huff The first edition[...]
Vahid Serpooshan, Sean M. Wu This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the[...]
Tres, Abraham L. Kierszenbaum Linking basic science to clinical application throughout, Histology and Cell Biology:[...]
Mordecai P. Blaustein, Joseph P. Y. Kao, Donald R. Matteson Gain a foundational understanding of[...]
Lowe, Anderson Easy to read, well organized, and focused on high-yield content, Human Histology, 5th[...]
Zhong Chao Han, Tsuneo A. Takahashi, Zhibo Han, Zongjin Li This book provides a comprehensive[...]
Haruhisa Inoue, Yukio Nakamura This volume highlights recent advances using iPS cells in disease modeling[...]
Akira Oka, Makoto Nabetani, Haruo Shintaku This book provides a wealth of insights, advances and[...]
Dwaine Emerich, Gorka Orive This volume provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of the field[...]
Anwarul Hasan A comprehensive overview of the latest achievements, trends, and the current state of[...]
Jonathan M. W. Slack Introduces all of the essential cell biology and developmental biology background[...]
Allison Hubel Helps those that use cell preservation to develop new protocols or improve existing[...]
Manas Das Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE(R) Medical Histology and Embryology is the[...]
Leslie P. Gartner Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed[...]
Frank J. Dye Description Stem cells, regenerative medicine, and translational medicine, are all areas of[...]
Kunihiro Sakuma Description This book discusses recent advances and various topics in plasticity of skeletal[...]
Kerry Atkinson Description The Biology and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Cells comprehensively describes the cellular[...]
Thomas D. Pollard Description The much-anticipated 3rd edition of Cell Biology delivers comprehensive, clearly written,[...]
Maika G Mitchell Description Cell Biology: Translational Impact in Cancer Biology and Bioinformatics provides insight[...]
Leslie P. Gartner Thoroughly updated to reflect all of the latest concepts and advances in[...]
Ralph A Bradshaw The Encyclopedia of Cell Biology offers a broad overview of cell biology,[...]
Miguel A. Merchaan; Javier De Felipe; Fernando De Castro>Cajal and De Castro’s Neurohistological Methods provides[...]
Kwang W. Jeon; Lorenzo Galluzzi>“International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology” presents comprehensive reviews and[...]
Anthony Mescher The most authoritative, current, and beautifully illustrated histology text available—with an enhanced CD-ROM[...]
Rob Burgess > “Stem Cells: A Short Course” is a comprehensive text for students delving[...]
Ohno, Shinichi, Ohno, Nobuhiko, Terada, Nobuo (Eds.) This book focuses on actual morphofunctional findings of[...]
Nihal Engin Vrana A significant portion of biomedical applications necessitates the establishment of an interface[...]
by Kote Neelkantho Practical manual of histology for medical student is a concise book designed[...]
M.D. Anthony Atala; Ph.D. Julie G. Allickson>”Translational Regenerative Medicine” is a reference book that outlines[...]
M.D. David Warburton >Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are fast moving fields with[...]
Robert Lanza; Robert Langer; Joseph Vacanti>Now in its fourth edition, “Principles of Tissue Engineering” has[...]
Anthony Atala; Robert P. Lanza; James A. Thomson>Virtually any disease that results from malfunctioning, damaged,[...]
Ph.D. Eric E. Bouhassira>The SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research, Second Edition is filled with[...]
Robert Lanza; Anthony Atala>First developed as an accessible abridgement of the successful Handbook of Stem[...]